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    How to prevent heatstroke in summer

    The methods for preventing heatstroke in summer are as follows:

    1. Try to minimize outdoor activities in hot weather, especially around one or two o'clock in the afternoon when the ground temperature is at its highest.

    2. When working or working under high temperature conditions in summer, it is important to pay attention to ventilation and drink heatstroke prevention drinks containing electrolytes such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium. It is also advisable to choose some traditional Chinese medicine with heatstroke prevention effects, such as Huoxiang Zhengqi Water.

    3. For the elderly and infirm, with chronic basic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, and puerperal women, ventilation should be ensured in the living environment, and high-temperature operations should not be engaged as far as possible.

    4. When moving in the sunlight, try to choose light colored clothes with less heat absorption, such as wearing a sun hat and applying sunscreen.

    5. Patients who have experienced heatstroke in the past should try to avoid vigorous activities under sunlight in the short term.
